Until now, many of us have heard that the President spent a little time this morning at a Wal-Mart store in Mountain View, California, near San Jose. Deploying solar energy And Effective energy are the two main thrust of his speech. He talked about more than 300 commitments to the private and public sector recently to create jobs and cut carbon pollution.
The president's Wal-Mart choice for notifications has attracted some criticism. Researcher Stacy Mitchell said that among all the places he could make a big speech about energy, a Supercenter Walmart is a difficult and difficult choice. Huffington Post (Diagonally GRIST). She considers the company as one of the largest and fastest growing people on the planet and quoted as evidence of a 2012 study published in Science & Environmental Technology It is called the store 'until we release: A historical analysis and policy on the retail goods movement in the United States.
However, Wal-Mart is the world's largest public corporation (2014 Fortune Global 500), the largest private employer in the world (more than two million employees) and the largest retailer in the world. Showing at Wal-Mart certainly impressed many people. In addition, with the new Government's drive, Wal-Mart has committed to double the number of solar projects on the spot at US stores, SAM clubs and distribution centers by 2020 by 2020 by 2020. Overall, the company pledged to produce or shop 7 billion kWh of renewable energy at the end of the decade.
More than 300 houses with many families, houses and improvements of houses, rural electricity cooperatives, trade (retailers, food and hotel services) and public areas (state, city Pho, Chanh school) has announced commitments with new programs. Total for today:
• Improve energy efficiency for more than 1 billion square feet of buildings,
• 850 megawatts of solar energy are implemented (power 130,000 houses),
• New measures to implement $ 2 billion in federal buildings,
• Smarer devices will cut carbon pollution more than 380 million tons and
• Community university training programs to allow 50,000 workers to participate in the solar industry by 2020.
Only smart equipment programs are equivalent to bringing 80 million vehicles to the road for a year. They estimate that businesses will spend nearly $ 26 billion in energy spending.
Climate change is a reality of life, Mr. Obama Obama said today, referring to the use of wasted and polluting energy.
Here are the vast operating actions that the President announced that supporting solar energy, reducing energy consumed by American families, cutting their energy invoices and creating jobs on the day. now:
• Building skilled solar labor force;
• Providing creative finance to deploy solar energy;
• Promote investment in upgrading energy for federal buildings;
• Improve equipment efficiency; And
• Increase construction code.
For more details, see CleanTechnica or read the original White House information.
Obama stated that the commitments and actions of the private sector announced today consolidating the US leadership in innovation and deployment of clean energy, cutting energy waste and creating the. Good salary cannot be outsourced.
February 2011 (the previous term) marked the beginning of Obama Better building challenges To help US commercial and industrial buildings become more than 20% energy efficiency by 2020. More than 190 organizations, representing more than 3 billion square feet, 600 manufacturing plants and nearly 2 billion Financial dollars of energy efficiency have enhanced challenges so far. They have saved 36 trillion BTU and $ 300 million since the beginning of the challenge and are on the way to meet the target in 2020, each time the annual average energy cut is 2.5%.
Today, many leaders from all over the country have participated in the alliance to promote energy efficiency. Twenty -five new states, cities, main schools, houses, retailers, food services, hotels and production organizations are participating in cooperation. They have committed to improving energy efficiency in more than 1 billion square feet of additional floor space.
Seven new financial allies also entered the challenge with a commitment of more than $ 375 million:
• California housing cooperation group,
• Clean energy investment and finance agency,
• Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.,
• Hannon Armstrong,
• Local initiatives support the Group,
• Low income investment fund and
• The three -point point (TBL).
Twenty partners challenge buildings better Water use is not effective. The president pointed out that US trade and industrial sectors accounted for more than 25% of the withdrawal amount from the public water supply. Many organizations in these areas can save 20-40% by using water resources more effectively. As a result, the operating cost is lower, the water supply is more reliable, the water quality is improved and energy efficient needed to transport and treat this essential resource.
A small and diverse group has committed to showing successful approaches to save water and reduce utility invoices. Aeon, the cities of Atlanta, Fort Worth and West Palm Beach, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Nissan North America, the department store of Kohl, Staples and Tiaa-Cref are all on board.
Commenting on his reasons for the use of orders and public executives to implement these environmentally friendly and reconstructive initiatives, the President commented:
The congress does not always have a vision of these issues as we want.
Brendan Buck, a spokesman for the Chairman of the House of Representatives John Boehner (R-Ohio), opposed this statement, according to America today:
The president could not require a strategy of 'all of the above while he blocked the keystone pipeline, slowed the approval of new energy exploration and proposed murder regulations to destroy the US coal industry.
The memorable thing is that the president really has built the southern stage of Keystone XL. His cautiousness with the exploration of new energy is completely contrary to the recklessness that the oil giants have approached the drilling in the Arctic is less known and the crazy speed of hydraulic breakdown. Although the new evidence shows that practice may be related to water disaster and the emergence of earthquakes, to say nothing of the ultimate harmful booming development.
Finally, because of its huge negative environmental footprints, nothing is like coal clean, it is increasingly considered a transition, not the main fuel. On the international level, this is even true in Australia, which has pondered the giant coal development plans in its interior. Except for coal -rich countries such as Poland and Europe, backing up black fossil fuels and towards renewable energy. China and India are also working on other resources, including solar and hydropower, as quickly as possible.
And the American coal industry also seemed suicide. The Government Responsibility Office in February discovered a systemic assessment, perhaps since the 1990s, on lease contracts provided by the Land Administration Department. This activity has recently consumed millions of countries, and perhaps billions for a long time, in terms of revenue.
For jobs, as of last year, the country now has more solar workers than coal mining companies. A study by the Metropolitan Ochs Research Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, investigated six new coal plants and found a job there to be appreciated as much as the actual number. The industry itself has begun to limit investment in new exploitation areas. Last fall, one of the BLM's regular leasing sales, providing more than 100 regions to develop coal, creating no bid.
Returning to the President's California announcement today, Mr. Obama also pointed out the following recent achievements:
• Last year, about a quarter of the new generating power is from the second solar energy to natural gas.
• Development of solar energy, largely largely largely by the utility field, has reduced costs. In just three years (2010-2013), the cost of solar/commercial/trade has decreased by more than 50%.
• Since the president in office, the United States has increased the amount of electricity from the solar ten times And triple Electrical products.
• Also in the past five years, the Ministry of Energy has set up equipment efficient standards will save US consumers nearly 450 billion dollars for utility bills until 2030.
The opinion of these developments, and even the truth of the Viking, seems to be throughout the map. Perhaps some of us have more effective ideas. In the comments!