Pilot Si2 Practice yoga inside the sky plane

While flying around the world in a solar plane, Si2 Pilot Andre Borschberg is related, although the cockpit is not big enough, I still practice yoga and meditate to keep shapes, awareness and alertness. After that, once again took off in Solar Impulse 2 (Si2), Andrre Borschberg drove a creative solar plane on the next stage of the journey without fuel around the world (#RTW). Departure Ahmedabad, India, on Wednesday, March 18, the flight is relatively short to India.

Although the stop at Varanasi is very short, this famous Hindu city is of special importance in the lives of Yoga pilots, CEO of Impulse Solar Andrar Andre Borschberg, and President Impulse Solar Impulse Bertrand Piccard.

An Andre Borschberg solar pilot practices yoga in front of Si2 solar plane. © Impulse Solar
An Andre Borschberg solar pilot practices yoga in front of Si2 solar plane. © Impulse Solar

“The oldest city in the world”

Notes the special relationship of the SI2 group with Varanasi, Andre Borschberg explained that the oldest city in the world is one of the first cities chosen for stops in the journey of the aircraft. By choosing the Indian cities of Ahmedabad and Varanasi for stops, the SI2 group wants to combine modernity with spirituality.

I went to Varanasi two decades ago, Borschberg added. For me, watching Varanasi is like a spiritual journey and we want to turn it into part of the human adventure we have done.

“Yoga and meditation let us balance”

Talking to Hindu religion right after coming, Mr. Borschberg was related, I was introduced to Yoga and Meditation 20 years before I visited Rishikesh [in Uttarakhand] With my wife, yoga and meditation are what helps me to go alone in the cockpit constantly flying for many days.

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Si2 yoga and meditation give us a balance and keep us in the right mind, this is very important when you perform such a difficult task, Si2 Pilot Borschberg said. Continuing, he explained, while flying alone, we have to be awake for many days, challenges to maintain the right spiritual attitude and continue to think properly and be ourselves, and yoga help me in there. Although the cockpit is not big enough, I still practice yoga and meditation to keep shapes, awareness and alertness.

Both Andrre Borschberg and co -supervisor Bertrand Piccard are based on the spiritual practice of yoga, meditation and breathing exercises, or Pranayam In order to support their challenging efforts to walk around the Earth in the tight limit of a one -seat solar aircraft. According to Huffington Post, the two have practiced yoga under the guidance of Indian Yoga Master Sanjeev Bhanot in the past 12 years.

Twenty minutes of sleep every 5 hours

Borschberg, currently 62 years old, said we slept 20 minutes every five hours during the flight. We also need to regain energy. Therefore, I started studying yoga 12 years ago and practiced it daily for the past 10 years. We also use yoga to stimulate the body and regenerate ourselves with the help of Yogi Sanjeev Bhanot.

Continuing, Swiss pilot pointed out, 20 minutes of sleep is necessary. During that nap, we left the plane by putting it in automatic mode. Yoga helps in another way, I practice yoga almost every day. It helps you think with the right mind, it helps the techniques to balance and breathe and help regenerate energy.

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Si2 Pilot Borschberg practice yoga and breathe in the cockpit. © Impulse Solar

President and co -founder of Solar Impulse, Bertrand Piccard, added, I realized myself to connect with the inner. That's because hypnosis is a way to connect to your own inside. Piccard, currently 57 years old, is also a psychiatrist. He continues, when you live normally, you look, you feel, you feel miserable, but when you start looking inside yourself, you will disconnect to the uncomfortable situation of (so that outside) and you can use your internal resources and internal energy. “

Continue to Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)

After breaking up with Varanasi, India, Bertrand Piccard turned into the pilot seat of Solar Impulse 2. On March 19, Piccard completed a 1,400 km long flight to Mandalay, Myanmar for 13 hours and 29 minutes, just flying on the above, only flying on the above. Energy is created from the sun.

Si2 crew, with a team of ABB engineers, is ready for Si2 with their reservoir. Colleague Borschberg is standing beside him, and all are welcomed with a very warm welcome when pilot Bertrand Piccard opens the cockpit in Mandaly.

Si2 Pilot Piccard to Mandalay, Myanmar. © Impulse Solar

Si2 offers ABB's electricity access program

The next day, Piccard and Borschberg presented ABB solar battery charging units for remote villages. ABB has brought electricity and educational and economic opportunities for developing countries for more than 15 years in the program of access to its electricity. Now, working with local partners Pact Myanmar, ABB is helping to ensure that more than 3,000 people are currently able to access stable energy, which can be regenerated in 10 remote villages of Myanmar.

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The President of Solar Impulse 2 and pilot Bertrand Piccard said I was very touched and excited about this project. He continues, it proves that ABB and the treaty do us [#FutureIsClean] Vision is a reality.

Myanmar villagers receive ABB solar charging units. © Impulse Solar

Solar 2 will continue to go to China next. Please follow another update soon!

Watch Youtube video about Si2 take off from Varanasi, India:


Watch Si2 Landing's YouTube video in Mandaly, Myanmar:


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