Former CEO of BC Hydro calls the Pipeline hearing sessions a public deception

Originally published above Ecoreptort

Before becoming an intervention in the pipeline magazine Trans Mountain, Marc Eliesen was the CEO of BC Hydro, former Chairman of Manitoba Hydro, member of the Board of Directors at SunCor and a Deputy Minister of Seven Governments Federation and province. He provided the National Energy Commission (NEB) the knowledge drawn from 40 years in senior executive positions. In Withdrawal letter He sent an email to Neb on Sunday last week, former CEO of BC Hydro called the pipeline hearing a public deceit.


Elieson repeated her comments in an interview with Ecoreport, that you could listen to in the podcast below.

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It was originally broadcast on the Cortes Community Radio Station (Worlds, 89.5 FM) and included clips from an previous interview in which the lawyer of Burnaby City asked if the NEB process was suitable for the process. France does not have any legality at all its own environmental evaluation.

The dissatisfaction of Trans Mountain to solve most of my questions and the almost complete authentication of the Council is the decision of Trans Mountain that revealed that this process is fraud and false, he wrote. Eliesen. The conclusion that this Council has a predetermined action process to propose the approval of the project and the strong bias that benefit the proposed person. In fact, this so -called public hearing has become a clown, and this board is a real -grasp adjustment industry.

Page One of Marc Eliesen's withdrawal letter - polite website,
Page One of Marc Eliesen's withdrawal – Polite website

Unfortunately, I came to the conclusion that the Board of Directors, through its decisions, was participating in a public deception, he added. Continuing to regard this process is a waste of time and effort, and representing a disagreement with public interests because it testes a fraud process.

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Eliesen was mentally disapproving when the right to cross -mouthed, an important part of all the previous hearing 52 hearing has been removed. Although Neb's written questions will be complete, Eliesen observed that the answer of Trans Mountain is a answer that is not the answer, a joint statement or re -introduced information Enough in the initial application led to the question from the beginning.

Page Hai in Marc Eliesen's withdrawal letter - polite website
Page Hai in Marc Eliesen's withdrawal letter – Polite website

Due to the lack of objectivity of the Board of Directors, it is not surprising that among 2000 questions is not answered by Trans Mountain that the interventions called for the Board of Directors forced to answer, only there 5% is allowed by the Board of Directors and 95% has been rejected. Trans Mountain refused to answer questions and the Board of Directors did not force them to do so.

Many of this unpaid questions are from the first cities or countries and 80 From British Columbia.

Page Ba in Marc Eliesen's withdrawal letter – Neb's polite website,

Eliesen concludes that the conclusion of Neb is unrelated and the only way BC can fulfill the obligation to find meaningful answers to its citizens is to cancel the equivalent agreement as NEB and make lip assessments. my own school.

Anyone wants Sign a petition Calling the province to start his own assessment of the Kinder Morgan Trans pipe, can access a person starting by the Green Party of the province. This.

Page four of Marc Eliesen's withdrawal letter - polite website,
Page Four of Marc Eliesen's withdrawal letter – Neb's polite website,

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