Recycling flip -flops from Kenya's coast

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The oceans of the world are large, floating landfills for plastic pollution. There is no serious plan to clean up the oceans of the world, this situation is very catastrophic and worse every day. With the goal of taking and recycling 400,000 flip -flops each year from the Kenya coast, a small startup in Nairobi is making a big difference.

The ocean empire of the Kenya Giraffe

The extremely creative team of artisans at Ocean Sole transforms flip -flops into colorful masterpieces. Safari animals, including lions, rhinos, elephants, giraffes and Warthogs offer an important marine conservation message with their interesting creativity, or change. These double flip -flops from the Kenya coast are creating global awareness of our careless footprints.


The terrible threat of plastic sea pollution

Millions of flip -flops floating in the oceans in the world, annually clogging fish and other animals. Watchowing with many tons of plastic debris, they washed away on the beach and hindered the turtle's coming to the sea. Damaging the natural beauty of both the ocean and the beach, overthrowing is an artificial nightmare that is dangerous to an ecosystem that is very fragile.

According to the World Ocean Review, plastic pollution represents another terrible threat without getting enough attention. Plastic items are almost impossible to destroy, they can drift for years and for thousands of miles.

Many species of plastic debris applies floating debris, such as flip-flops, and hitch-hitch-hitch hitches across the oceans on them. In this way, invasive species spread to a new habitat that they often cannot achieve without these rafts. The entire equilibrium of an ecosystem can be catastrophically caused by plastic pollution.

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The heart and soul of the Ocean Emperor is CSR

The social responsibility of the company (CSR) is the heart and soul of the only ocean. Since its inception, their goals have a positive impact by being responsible for their environment and community. The founder of Julie Church company works as a maritime scientist for WWF and Kenya wildlife service on the coast of Kenya, when she first saw children turning flip -flops into a toy boat. .

When the church saw the turtles hatch on the beach, they had to fight their way through plastic pollution to the sea, her ideas for the Flip Flip recycling company to start. The environmentally friendly business plan of Church to clean the debris by creating art and useful items has been motivated when WWF ordered 15,000 main rounds.

Working with local communities, Kenya's beaches and waterways are being cleaned, jobs are being provided, an environmentally friendly product being developed, distributed, recycled and awareness. The environment is being encouraged, and finally, although the oceans of the world are being saved.


A creative cycle of recycling and recycling

To prevent littering and polluting oceans, marine life, and finally humans, Ocean Sole organizes cleaning the city and the beach. They have a recycling center for the local community, where glass, plastic, clothes and tin cans are recycled. Their products are made from recycled rubber.

Water used for production of Ocean Sole is collected from rain. Their products are handmade, with simple tools that require very low energy consumption. Energy -saving light bulbs, printer cartridges that can be reused and very few paper waste are office policies and they pay for people to give them recyclable materials. Even the waste from their patent recycled products is recycled, for example, such as a soft floor for children's playground.

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The loyalty of generous people in Kenya

Working with women in remote coastal areas with high unemployment rates, Ocean Sole's activities began in 1997. The same local woman still work for them today. At their seminar, 40 employees from Kenya worked full time, from Monday to Friday, with free lunch provided. Workers are trained in many skills and receive paid medical invoices, as well as father and son relationships and 21-26 days off every year.


(From an Ocean Sole's statement 🙂

I was unable to buy shoes and had to borrow some to go to Nairobi to find a job. I have been working here for 6 years, now I can afford to send my two children to high school and give them good clothes and dress. I set up a small farm with two cows and I sold milk to my neighbors to make extra money and it was an investment for my children. The company supports me when I get sick and they pay the doctor's bill. I thanked. “–Cheric Mwandola, Artisan, Rhino Team


To support greater benefits

Working with many non -governmental organizations and charitable organizations, Ocean Sole provides their products and supports in fundraising sessions. In order to support better things, they are generous to support the works of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Fund in Kenya, the wildlife fund at risk of extinction (AFEW) – the center of giraffe and seeds Kazuri.

The recent donations of Ocean Sole helped raise funds for people with disabilities, Rhino charged with sponsoring Kenya's water towers (Aberdare mountains, Eburru and Mountain Kenya), Saving the Rhino International and Friends of Dagoretti.

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They have also created Ocean Sole, initiating a global motivation to support the cleaning of oceans with the creation of creative debris and reducing the use of plastic. Positive fundamental campaigns for better management and protection of resources, ecosystems and habitats of the ocean. 5% of all profits from their sales are sponsored to their platform, as well as 25% from the sales of huge recycled Flip sculptures.


To say that globally is passionate about the ocean, its ecosystem and wildlife, it is clearly a gentle way of speaking. They are a shining example of smart ingenuity, artistic creation and environmental activities combined and cast into an attractive company like their products.

For global distributors and products found in zoos and aquariums around the world, you will definitely recognize the interesting products of Ocean Sole. They are also available online at Ocean Society for Us Sales, and at Odyssey and Co. to sell globally. Check the great YouTube video, for more information about this really inspired company:

(All Ocean Sole copyright images)

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