4 green gifts will keep the green in your pocket

You often have to invest money (or time, that is money) to make money. Some smaller investments and faster payments, while some greater investments and longer costs (although, often more important). The good thing about money saving investment in the house is that these investments also often save energy-climate protection, air and water of our water; That then keeps us healthier and safer, saving us.

When the holidays take place, many of us are trying to find out what to buy our loved ones. Of course, many of those gifts are gifts for our people living in our home, and therefore will also be used by us. You can save your loved ones and give yourself some money by boat with the following 5 green gifts. I hope you will choose at least one of them for this holiday season!

4 green gifts will keep the green in your pocket
Sunedison technician at ABB solar power plant in Nevada. (License CC BY-SA, Credit for Zachary Shahan / CleanTechnicaEliminate non -publishing links.)

1. Solar panels!

Unless you are on the male hemisphere, you may start missing the sun right now, but the sun never disappears, and it is extremely reliable. The sun never said, 'Ah, my friend, I don't feel like I want to get up today. I am in bed. 'This beautiful heat sphere and light has more energy potential than any other energy source. And, fortunately, the fuel it sent to the Earth is free. Of course, we have to buy solar panels to turn that solar energy into electricity, but the cost of solar energy has decreased greatly over the past few years (100 times compared to 1977 and 50% from In 2008) that the average Americans who travel solar energy saves about $ 20,000 for 20 years from their solar systems.

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Is saving $ 20,000 enough for you? Then, see the solar energy options in your area and find out how much you and your loved ones can save – it may even be more than $ 20,000.

Also note that a lot of people go into a solar rental contract, so they do not put any money to the front, or put very little money to the front, and then save money for chemistry Their electricity bill from the first month.

BMW i3 Car Electric Car and I am in Barcelona, ​​one day before my test drive BMW i3.
(License CC BY-SA, Credit for Marika Shahan / EV obsession / CleanTechnicaEliminate non -publishing links.)

2. A electric car

Yes, I started with big boys. Electricity and gasoline swallow large blocks of most people's budgets. They are also two of the largest contributors to global warming. Now we have resolved electricity, switch to gas and return to electricity. Electric cars are much more efficient than gasoline. Moreover, if you charge them with your solar panels, they are very clear. There are about 15 different electric cars for sale in the US. It is a healthy choice of cars to choose! Because the engine is much more effective, although electric cars tend to be more expensive (because of their battery system), they save money for you for a long time. Typically, the return of capital may be within 2 years. If you decide to rent instead of buying, you can really save money immediately.

By the way, electric cars are also more interesting to drive!

The lamp comparison chart. Credit: NRDC

3. LED lights

The incandescent light bulb is like the old TVs that most of us grow – outdated, ineffective and ugly. Perhaps you have joined the CFL band, or maybe you didn't do it, but the light era is now the age of LED lights. LED lights are more effective and now have enough costs for them to have economic significance for average consumers. Now you can find LEDs as Home Depot and Walmart, so make sure to put some of these creative bulbs on your gift list for realities in your life.

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Save home energy
Visiting the home saving home through the curtain supermarket. (Interact on the link above.)

4. Energy saving curtains

To complete your energy -saving home, some new energy -saving blinds are a good green gift. A ton of heat goes out of your home through the windows. If you are better insulation-through better windows and energy-saving blinds (and family members you give them) can significantly reduce your heating or electricity invoice and save very A lot of money.

The interactive energy house is designed by the curtain supermarket, and this post is widely supported by Hillary's curtains. To offer greener gifts to give to your family or friends, and how to save money on Christmas/holiday season, see that link and then hover through my bubble.

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